Monday, 17 March 2008

About Donations

Hello² again!

Someone asked about donations. And damn, i have a lot to say about that...

I Never understood how a sane person could afford to take money from underage gamers in exchange of a virtual item on an illegal server. Seriously, it's simple. If you can not afford to pay the required amount for the hardware then you aren't supposed to be starting a server.
And i have a lot to say about those who think of their servers as a secondary (main for some) source of income... But let's keep the blog clean.
There will be no donations on Elegy RO.

Answering JackSpace
However, what about special items that are normally unobtainable. Things like "sheep hat". So far I have only seen ParadiseRO give these out, with custom NPC/Quests
That will be the case, and not just Give & Take quests, but real quests with a consistent scenario.


JackSpace said...

I too always wondered about the donations part. Mainly that the gamers are private RO servers are there because they don't want to pay. Majority of gamers would also be those without credit cards or income.

However, what about special items that are normally unobtainable. Things like "sheep hat". So far I have only seen ParadiseRO give these out, with custom NPC/Quests

Anonymous said...

I disagree with you here, I think that you should allow people to donate for donation items such as donation hats and auras, nothing that would directly benefit the player.

Doing this would allow the server become self sufficient, which is always a good thing.