Monday 17 March 2008

Hardware information !

Hey !

The Hardware for Elegy RO was ordered and is now ready.

For the Off-Game interface, We ordered a dedicated Server with Unlimited bandwidth in order to offer a stable , non limited environment that will offer a lot more liberty than shared website hosting; The server will be empty and i will install the Webserver ( Apache,SQLite,PHP & IIS for the ASP Applications.)

Then; The Game Server,
A Dual Core intel Xeon with 3.0 Ghz each. 2GB Ram & A 10MBPS Dedicated line, just for us.
This server is able to provide 1000 Players with a lag-less ,stable game play with optimal uptime.
You have my word on that or else i will retire from my job :p
However be sure that once we get 500 + Players we will upgrade to a more capable machine.

Backup Server information.

Well, Usually, backups are just taken and put on the same machine, but what if something bad happens to that computer? This risk makes backups useless.
So i will set-up my home computer to download the backups taken on the other machines via FTP at the end of each day.
Also, The game will be saved each hour. So in the case of a big problem, you shouldn't loose more than 60 Minutes of game time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great, From that eRO Incident , it seemed like you are quite the techie >>.<<