Sunday 23 March 2008


Someone said
Impressive stuff so far, you clearly know what it takes to make a successful RO server. I'd like to ask a quick question, though, about your opinion of custom hair styles and clothes colors. Would you implement them on your server, or are you going to keep everything straight up official? Thanks in advance for your reply. xD
Yes there will be lots of palettes to choose from. But custom hair styles are not possible because there is no such thing inside the RO client itself (just checked). So unless you use Xray, you can't really have them. and i'd hate to use something like that... :(

I'l use this post to express my thoughts on customs.

Yes, Custom items & monsters could be an addition onto eRO but only if they fully meet the following requirements :

For mobs

Balanced abilities depending on location
Sprites that meet the general RO Standards
Drops that go with the map & level of the region. (Prontera fields are not niflheim's.)

Example :
This one would go well for a lutie area mvp.

The same goes for items.

1 comment:

Caramel said...

Thank you for your quick reply! Although I personally love custom hairstyles, I understand your reason for not including them. Xray, from what I hear, is not the easiest of programs to work with. I like how you have planned out "rules" for what customs you want to put in or not, it shows a little something that so many servers lack, something called "forethought", lol. Good luck with your server, I can't wait to see how it turns out!